Wednesday, December 12, 2007

5 months old!

Yea! Another month has gone bye-bye. I'm soooo mature and grown up now. I can roll onto my tummy from my back going to the right or left. I love to chew on my toes. I can sit up on my own for quite a while, unless I get too excited and try to reach for a toy far away. I can blow spit bubbles and make all kinds of sounds. I especially like to cough... that cracks me up. I recognize my mommy and sometimes it makes me cry when she walks away from me. (Why would she ever want to leave me!) I get to eat rice cereal and oat cereal! They are both very tasty. Daddy's smiles and buzzy noises and Abby's licks are my favorite sources of entertainment. I'm living the good life.


Anonymous said...

Wow, time really goes by fast. Congrats on another milestone Cole!

Anonymous said...

You have a very smart mommy and daddy, so I'm sure you'll be learning lots more interesting things before you are 6 months old.

Love you,