Thursday, January 31, 2008

More eating.

I know when I was born everyone said, "What a good eater he is!" In fact my large size often prompts the comment from strangers: "Well he sure doesn't miss a meal." Hmmm... is that rude? I'll leave that for you to decide. Anyway, this blog entry is about what I'm eating, or not eating. So at the wise old age of 6.5 months, I can say that I do love to eat cereal, formula, and my vegetables (except for the nasty peas). The past two weeks mommy has been trying to give me fruit. To her surprise, I do not like it very much. I can tolerate the peaches, but bananas and applesauce are just awful. I can manage a bite or two, but then I have to spit it out. I sure hope she figures it out soon. I don't like fruit!! Today mommy let me try feeding myself a cracker. I'm not sure how I feel about that. It was fun feeding myself but it didn't taste all that great. I kept trying to share it with Abby, but mommy wouldn't let me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Food is a funny thing, Cole. When you are young you might like somethings and then when you are older you don't care for the same things, at all.
Food comes in may forms do not be tricked by wiggly ones!