Monday, July 28, 2008

Happy Birthday Abby

This weekend Abby turned 6. Wow, that is so old. To celebrate we went camping! My first trip ever. Some of the highlights were getting really dirty crawling in the dirt and grass, watching Abby catch the Frisbee, eating sausages for breakfast, yelling really loud so the other campers could hear me, and watching dad and mom put up the tent. At night it was really dark even though daddy built a huge fire. I got to take a nap on the air mattress, which is 100 times better than my pack and play. So, when I woke up in the middle of the night I cried and cried until they let me sleep on the air mattress with them. It was great.


Anonymous said...

Hope you had fun camping...I'm sure you will be doing a lot more of it.
Love you

Anonymous said...

impressive :)