Friday, October 17, 2008

Not so big boy

This morning I had my 15 month check-up a few days late. I surprised mommy and daddy by getting back on the growth charts. Today I was 32.25 inches long and 28.5 pounds, both in the 90th percentile. They were worried that I was eating too much. What they don't know is that I give a lot of my food to Abby. I showed the doctor how advanced I am by pointing out my nose and belly-button, doing my parrot and gorilla impressions, and displaying my excellent walking ability. He was very impressed. Then he sent in the mean nurse to stab me with three needles. Three!! Mom says that now I won't get the chicken pox, flu, measles, mumps, or rubella. I don't know what those are, but they can't be as bad as shots. After the doctor, daycare, and an afternoon at the park with mommy, I am beat!! 7 pm nite-nite couldn't come soon enough.


Anonymous said...

You've come a long way baby!!!!!
Love you,

Unknown said...

Why do nurses always have to be the mean ones and doctors get to look good!