Sunday, May 25, 2014


Its official. I am no longer a preschooler! Thursday night I graduated from preschool. I wore a cap and gown, sang lots of songs I learned this year, walked across the stage to get my certificate, and had cake and lemonade. I am so proud!

Here's me on stage. Can you see me sitting down in the middle?

We sang about the U.S. Presidents, the planet in our solar system, the vowels in the alphabet, and colors in English and Spanish. We also counted to 10 in Spanish. Here is one of my songs. Isn't it great?!

My teachers gave me two certificates, one for graduating and one for being the class's sweetest friend.

Miss Shannon is one of my teachers.

Miss Taylor is my other teacher.

My family is so proud.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was the best time for me.
Love you.