Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Bye everyone

This morning Nana, Grandfather, Ali, Dan and Dexter all left for home and I had to go to school! Ugh! I had so much fun with all of them. I didn't want it to end. Thanks for listening to my stories, playing games and reading books with me, keeping me company in the car, and going lots of fun places with me. I hope all of you come back soon.

Nana showed me and mommy how to make fishy decorations with glue and markers and sparkly things.
Grandfather and I played my own version of cribbage many, many times. Me and the babies had many rides in the car.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, it's always said to see family leave, but before you know it they will be back again and you can have all that fun again.
Love you,