Saturday, December 25, 2010


Merry Christmas everybody! Woo hoo! Today was the best day ever. Last night Santa came while I was sleeping and brought me exactly what I had asked for, Star Wars Legos and the Incredibles movie. I guess I've been a really good boy because he also brought me candy, books, stickers, a new lightsaber, and a sled. I also got lots of cool presents from my family. Some of the highlights include more Magnatiles, Chutes and Ladders, an RC car, lots of Legos, and books. I like all my presents but the very best most awesome-est one of all is the Captain America shield from Aunt Ali. THANKS ALI!

Thanks Santa! I AM Captain America! Everyone played Chutes and Ladders with me and I won the first game. Also, I got to be Captain America in the game.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How great a Christmas you had, Cole, and I should say you've been a very good boy for Santa to bring all those wonderful toys.