Sunday, June 22, 2014

More caves

The Olentangy Indian Caverns are teeny tiny. The caves at Hocking Hills are nice and big! We went to two parks. Ash Cave was a short trail to a big and beautiful cave. I liked imagining being a Native American Indian having a meeting with all my Indian friends.

Old Man's Cave was a much bigger park. We went on lots of twisty, turny trails. We saw caves, waterfalls, and the terrifying Devil's Bathtub! You do NOT want to go in there.

 Thanks for taking our picture, Cole!
So here is the Old Man's Cave. I don't know if I would want to live here as an old hermit man. It was nice and cool, though.

The Upper Falls.

This bridge is over the Devil's Bathtub.It is a deep, dark whirlpool that goes straight to the Underworld!

So many caves!!

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!

I love mom and dad's anniversary. After all, they got married to make our family. To celebrate we went to a cabin in Hocking Hills. Nothing is cooler than hiking and climbing mountains. Our cabin had no internet or computer, but it was so much fun! We watched the Lego Movie and played games inside. Outside we explored the woods, played catch, and made smores with the big fire.

We found our own hiking sticks.

Friday, June 20, 2014

I'm going to be a miner when I grow up.

Yes, I am. Playing Minecraft is not enough. I want to really be a miner. I've read lots of library books on rocks, gems, and how to mine for gold  in the 1800's. Mom finally found a real mine, complete with caves, hiking trails, and putt-putt golf! It is called the Olentangy Indian Caverns.

We bought a bag of dirt and rock. Then we used the sluice to sift out the dirt and collect TONS of gems. It was amazing!

Then we went deep underground in the narrow limestone caves. Some of them were actually filled with mud when the Native American's lived here. I like to imagine that they liked to play and work in the caves. Especially in the summertime. It was cold down there!


We love you, Dad!

Cole and I wanted you to know how much we love you. So for Father's Day we made you cards, gave you a dollar and two tic tacs (the tic tacs were my idea), and a basketball hoop hat! See how much we love you!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

5 year check up

Did you know I am the bravest 5 year old around? Today I saw Dr. Tyler. He told me that I'm completely normal. (Did you hear that, mom and dad?) I'm 43 inches tall and 35 pounds heavy, which is the 50th percentile. I am scared of the dark and going anywhere by myself, but that is totally normal too! And now for the brave part. I got four shots. Two in each leg. And... I didn't even cry! Cole almost cried watching me.

Favorite foods: cake and doughnuts, cocoa pebbles (go team cocoa!), bagels, apples, and yogurt (with no fruit bits)

Favorite activities: doing whatever Cole is doing, singing, riding my bike or scooter, playing board games

Dislikes: Cole annoying me, saying goodbye to family, saying "sorry" to people, sleeping by myself at night

Greatest Aunt Beth has a garden

We went to see my Great Aunt Beth in Virginia. She has a beautiful garden and she is great. I think she knows a lot about plants. The botanical gardens were very pretty, but my favorite things were the tree house, water park, and the butterflies. 

Look at all of us with my cousin Cynthia in the middle!

We did the Kid Quest to learn about plants that are used as medicines.

I think these magnifying glasses helped Dexter see the butterflies.

No fair! Aunt Ali and Aunt Beth are good at hoola-hooping.

Visiting Ali makes us smarter

We spent our first week of summer visiting Ali, Dexter and Dan. While we were there we spent the day at Port Discovery Children's Museum. It was AMAZING! They have a three-story climbing, sliding play structure. They have a water room for making giant bubbles. They have an Egypt room with mummies, hieroglyphics, and a raft for crossing a river. We even learned to make our own bubble gum! 

The water room.

We played drums and cymbals with water hoses!

Giant bubbles!

Art on the go! We made "tie dyed" pictures.

Making gum in the experiment room. Mine was lemon, lime, and strawberry flavored!

Egypt! We pulled ourselves across the Nile over and over and over again.

We even met Curious George!

We worked together to build a submarine. Luke is driving it.