Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Greatest Aunt Beth has a garden

We went to see my Great Aunt Beth in Virginia. She has a beautiful garden and she is great. I think she knows a lot about plants. The botanical gardens were very pretty, but my favorite things were the tree house, water park, and the butterflies. 

Look at all of us with my cousin Cynthia in the middle!

We did the Kid Quest to learn about plants that are used as medicines.

I think these magnifying glasses helped Dexter see the butterflies.

No fair! Aunt Ali and Aunt Beth are good at hoola-hooping.


Anonymous said...

What a great first week of your summer vacation.
Luke, great year check up and yes you are very brave.
Love you,

Anonymous said...

Cole, you, Luke and Dexter are too cool. It was a great day for me. Your Mom and Aunt Ali are beautiful, smart and fun. I hope you all come to see me often.

Love Great Aunt Beth