Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Standing and Walking?

Tonight I thrilled mommy, daddy, and Cole by standing up all by myself and taking 3 steps! I have only stood up a few times, but tonight I was working hard. Several times I stood for about 5 seconds. Then I just started rocking back and forth and off I was walking. They weren't fast enough to document my amazingness but they did get pics and video of me shortly afterwards.

Walking... sort of.

Standing for a bit.


Dexter said...

Is that a popsicle stick? Does it take popsicle power to walk? I might have to try that!

Sharon or Allan said...

Walking for food? Running for a good cause could be next. See you in a month, Luke. Grandfather

Anonymous said...

What a surprise!!!!Grandma is just getting over the fact that you are crawling, and what a fast crawler you are.
Love you,