Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The best night of the year

My beliefs have been confirmed. Halloween is the greatest holiday. It seemed like it took forever for trick-or-treating to start. Waiting is so hard. I was the best Superman in the neighborhood. When it got cold I wore my coat pretending I was Clark Kent, and I ripped it open at every house! I stayed out for as long as I could. I visited every spooky decorated house that I've been watching closely over the past month. In the end my pumpkin bucket was so heavy, mommy had to carry it for me.

My neighborhood is so much fun. All my friends looked good in their costumes.

Here's me with the spooky doll. I've seen him every year!


Anonymous said...

Looks like you boys had an over-the-top Halloween.
Love you,

Sharon or Allan said...

I'm glad you had a wonderful time. Be sure and clean your teeth real good after eating all that sugar. Love you, Grandfather