Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Today I went to my first preschool Metro Park Program. I learned about amphibians, which is an extraordinarily hard word to say. Basically frogs and salamanders. We saw a salamander eat a meal worm and made frog puppets. I said I was old enough to go to the program but it was kind of boring sometimes. I can't just sit and listen to someone talk or read a long book. Even my snacks weren't helping me sit still.

Afterwards we walked in the woods. This was lots of fun but it was so close to nap time that I was too tired to walk back to the car. I think preschoolers have more energy than me. The car ride home helped me recover and I made one last effort to be a big kid and skipped my nap. I had a few setbacks but overall I would say I am more a preschooler than a toddler.


Unknown said...

You look like a big boy! Hugs, Grandfather

Anonymous said...

You certainly look really cool in those sunglasses, Luke.
Love you,