Sunday, January 31, 2016

Christmas 2015!

Christmas was so exciting! We had so much to do and it all happened so fast. After weeks of practicing and working up my courage I sang at church in the cherub choir. Cole sang the solo and in the regular kids choir, but that was no big deal for him. Grandma and Grandpa came to see us! It was pretty exciting. The next morning was Christmas! We had presents from Santa and from our family. And we ate lots of yummy food.

There's me! Standing up in the front of church. I did a great job with my two songs.

Can you find Cole?

My top two teeth are loose.

Santa gave me and Cole kendamas. They are really fun!

Best present - mini iPads from mom and dad!!

I asked for science for Christmas and I got it! Snap circuits and a terrarium.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was one our best Christmas'