Tuesday, February 12, 2008

7 months

That's right! I'm 7 months old now. Time sure flies when you are having fun. It has been an exciting month full of new foods and new activities. I've tried most of the foods in the baby food aisle at the store. I love squash, corn, sweet potatoes, pears, turkey, chicken, and bananas with mixed berries. I hate peas, and really don't much care for bananas alone, peaches, or applesauce. I also love feeding myself crackers and drinking water from my sippy cup. I can easily stand holding on to mom or dad and I do the army crawl all over the living room. I've also figured out that if I reach my arms toward mommy or daddy they will pick me up (the dog however does not seem to care about this). In addition to my perfected da-da-das and aaaahhh noises, I can do ra-ra, buh, and muh. I also got my first haircut and started taking baths in the big bathtub. Whew! I am such a busy baby.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is a truely handsome picture. Thats like christmas card material right there!