Sunday, April 5, 2009


Now that the weather is nice I ask mommy and daddy to take me to the park nearly every day. And most of the time they do. Sometimes I get to play on the swings and slides. Sometimes daddy carries me in his backpack in the woods. The other day I got to play on a bridge and in a tree. I love the park. One of my favorite sentences is, "Mommy daddy car park".

(Cole translation, in case you needed it: "Daddy picture. Daddy. I did it.")


Anonymous said...

That sure looked like lots of fun. We just love the videos of you.
Love you,

ali said...

Wow, thats an impressive bridge you crossed. Your a brave young man.

nana said...

We didn't need mommy to translate--your words are clear as a bell! What fun you have at the park!!
When I come see you in a few weeks maybe we can go to the park, too.

Sharon or Allan said...

You are doing it, growing-up so fast. You are going to be a great big brother. Love, Grandfather