Thursday, March 4, 2010


I am tired of Daddy and Luke being sick. So today I arranged for mommy and me to come down with fevers. I prefer our fevers and body aches to their runny noses. Can anyone explain why a fever makes my cheeks red?


Unknown said...

You vasodilatate to release heat, one of your bodies way of cooling itself. Vasodilatation gives you the red color.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness it is so sad to be sick...hope you get better real soon.
Love you,

Skully said...

Come to our house! We'll give you coughs and sore throats and runny noses and fevers and sore ears! We like to share.

Sharon or Allan said...

You all better be well when we come to visit, or health plan does not cover family visits, ho ho ho
Love to all Grandfather