Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Two year update

Today I had my two year check-up with Doctor Tyler. My measurements are perfectly average, as usual. I weigh 27.5 pounds and am 34.5 inches tall, both in the 50th %tile. I fit perfectly in my 2T clothes. I can jump with both feet off the ground, climb up and down, and dance in a circle. My lungs sound good (yea no asthma right now), my ears are dirty, and I have all my baby teeth. I'm good at eating with my fork and spoon and drinking from a cup with no lid. I like to talk about the potty and sit on the potty, but I have yet to use it. I am a good sleeper, I go to bed at 8 pm, get up at 7 am. I take a nap for an hour when I'm at school and for three hours when I'm at home.

Its still a bit hard to understand me, but I do have probably a hundred or so words in my vocabulary. I can say two and three word sentences. My favorite way of talking is repeating back the last few words I heard someone else say. The other day I even told mommy a story about something that happened to me at school. It went something like this, "Luke. Hurt. Knee. Ouchie. Outside. Ground. Walking. Fall. Boo boo."

I have lots of favorite things. Right now I really like being outside all the time. I love to run races. I can say "mark, set, go!" I love to color with crayons or sidewalk chalk. Mostly I draw pictures of the sun. I also like to blow bubbles and use the water guns even though they make me more mad than happy. My favorite show is Caillou and my favorite movie is How to Train Your Dragon. I like washing my hands in the bathroom at school and brushing my teeth every chance I get. I like tickling Cole and jumping on his bed with him.

I am also very good at demonstrating my terrible two-ness. I have a bit of a temper. I hate it when people (Cole) don't do what I want or take my stuff. I'm learning to say "No!" and even "I don't like that!" (It comes out sounding like "I nah nah nah!") but sometimes I can't help but smack the offender in the head. I hate time out, but sometimes I am so mad that I would rather sit there than say "I'm sorry" to anyone, even the dog. I'm also addicted to screaming and to mommy, and especially screaming when I can't have mommy. I don't think she should ever be more than 3 feet away from me.

So that's me right now. Healthy and happy... most of the time. Cross me at your own risk!


Anonymous said...

That's a great 2 year old report.
Love you,

nana said...

Sounds about perfect to me. xoxonanaxoxo

Sharon or Allan said...

He is strong, this one. Hugs, Grandfather