Thursday, July 17, 2014

Safety Town

I just finished two weeks of Safety Town Camp. While I was there I made friends with policemen, firemen, and the other kids in my class. I learned to call 911, stop drop and roll, avoid poison, and crawl through a smokey house. I am extra careful now when I cross the street. And I know to stay away from strangers.

I learned what to do when a strange dog comes my way.

My favorite thing at Safety Town is Adventureland. It is a little town with roads, stop lights and a car wash. I rode a bike around, practicing the traffic rules.

The car wash!

My friend Blake was in my classroom. I also met a very nice girl named Ava. She was in a different room, but she was my Safety Town girlfriend anyway.


Anonymous said...

You certainly learned lots and had fun doing it.
Love you,

Anonymous said...

You certainly learned lots and had fun doing it.
Love you,

Unknown said...

Truly interesting and a learning time. I'm glad you learned basics about the rules of the road and why they are important.