Friday, November 21, 2014

My first report card

Now that I'm in Kindergarten, I get report cards too! Turns out I'm pretty good at school. The grades are Partial (lowest), Moderate (expected performance), Strong (end of K expectation), and Distinguished (beyond Kindergarten). I'm glad I don't have to learn how to read the report card!

Math: I am Distinguished for writing my numbers! I wrote all the way up to 35 perfectly. No backwards numbers. I am Partial for counting out loud to 100. I only made it to 49. If I had remembered that 50 came next, my grade would have been Moderate. So silly!

Reading: I am Strong for knowing all my letter names and Moderate for knowing all my letter sounds. I am Partial for knowing sight words and using reading strategies.

Writing: I am Partial for having writing ideas, spelling, and writing my letters.

Science & Social Studies: I am Strong for understanding concepts and vocabulary.

Behavior & Social Skills: I am good in all areas. My best behavior is that I am exceptionally kind and helpful to others. My one area to work on is transitioning between activities without getting distracted.

Overall, Kindergarten is great. I love my teacher and the kids are all nice. I am learning so much. I can read lots of books. My teacher is very happy with my work.

My one problem with school is mommy. She has been volunteering in my classroom, helping us make paintings on Fridays. I love having her in my class, but I hate saying goodbye. I just can't handle it. So, I've decided that she can't come anymore because it will always make me cry when she leaves. Poor mommy.


nana said...

What a great report card, Luke! I am so sorry Mommy can't help at your class any more but maybe when you get to first grade it will be OK to try again. xoxonanaxoxo

Anonymous said...

You have lots of very special qualities, Luke...keep up the good work.
Love you,