Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Doctor update

What a dirty trick. Mommy and daddy took me back to the doctors today. First they let me play in front of a big mirror. I saw the cutest baby making smiley faces at me! Then the nice nurse measured me. This time I got all A's! I weighed 15 lbs. 11 oz. (+97%tile) and I am 24.5 inches long (95%tile). Then wham, they stabbed me in the leg with a needle 4 times. That is just cruel. Whatever they put in those shots made me so sleepy. I'm going back to bed. I now know that shots suck.


Anonymous said...

wow, cole, if you keep up this growth rate you'll be the size of a 4 year old at age 1!! i'll see you in a week! love you, nana

Anonymous said...

What a big boy you are...sorry about all those nasty shots you have to have, but they will keep you from getting some really bad "stuff". With you growing so fast I'm going to have to look for larger sizes of clothes. Hope those nasty shots have worn off and you are back to normal.
Love Grandma & Grandpa Ron