Friday, July 16, 2010

Words, words, words

I'd tell Cole and daddy to wait, but I haven't found the words yet. In fact, I still like to keep mommy guessing about whether I have said my first word or not. I do like to say "mama", "dada", and "no", pretty regularly. But I like to keep it random. I also love to read my farm books and grunt a deep "aaaaagh" at the sheep and "kuk coo" at the rooster. Its pretty clear to all that I know those words, but do they really count? In the meantime, my favorite form of verbal expression is screeching and squealing. I am so good at communicating that way, it seems silly to work so hard on the words. Plus, it is the only way anyone can hear me over my brother.

1 comment:

Dexter said...

I like that picture. I am still a fan of grunts and cries to communicate as well!