Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Positive reinforcement

I have made significant strides in my potty training over the past week. We adopted a new policy... no pants allowed! This apparently just applies to me. Its hard to poop in your pants if you don't have any on. I have not had any accidents since. I hope I can get my pants back soon. I like to stand on my chair at the kitchen table and that really seems to bother mommy and daddy during meals.

For months, mommy and daddy have been promising me more and more elaborate gifts as a reward for using the potty. This week I earned a great reward. A bouncy house! Just like my cousins'. I wonder what I would have gotten if I had held out a little longer. Maybe a car?


Unknown said...

Nice you got the bouncy house!

Anonymous said...

Good going with the potty training. Nice you were able to get a bouncy house out of it.
Love you,