Friday, January 11, 2008

6 months old!

What a month! I celebrated my first Christmas and New Years. I tasted food for the first time, just sweet potatoes and carrots so far. I've also learned to feed Abby dog baby food from my hand! I got laryngitis and my first two teeth. I can finally roll across the room if I need to. I can sit on my own easily and I'm getting pretty good at standing too. I like to say da-da-da, especially when someone says it to me first. I smile and laugh all the time, mostly when people smile at me and when mom and dad give me kisses. Speaking of kisses, mommy gave me lots of extra ones today because I am such a big boy. (22 pounds at my last weigh in!) It is good to be me.


Anonymous said...

Gee!!!!! You are growing up way too fast...glad you have the blog so Grandma and Grandpa Ron can see all the good things you are doing.
Happy 6 month birthday.
Love you soooooo much.

Anonymous said...

Happy 1/2 Birthday! Cant wait to see you in 10 days. You are growing up way to fast already.

Anonymous said...

A very happy un-birthday to you, to you!
What a pretty picture of you and yother mom.
Love ya, Grandfather