Saturday, January 5, 2008

Food finally

This week I got to eat sweet potatoes. I've been very jealous of all the kids at my school that get to eat other things besides milk and cereal. So I was really excited to eat something new. Unfortunately, I now understand what "don't believe the hype" means. Sweet potatoes aren't THAT great, jeez. Maybe they are an acquired taste? I did eat them of course, but I wasn't that impressed. My cereal is tastier. Anyway, I will try them again and maybe I'll change my mind.

In other news, my second tooth popped out today. It is the bottom front right one. Now that I've got my two bottom teeth, I think I should skip the baby food and go right to pizza!


Anonymous said...

Two teeth - I got two teeth, also.
Love you, Grandfather

Anonymous said...

Wow, two teeth and eating sweet potatoes...what next??????