Sunday, January 11, 2009

18 months

Attention everybody. I am now a year and a half old!

Everyday I am getting smarter and smarter. It would take all night to list my amazing accomplishments, so I will just name a few. I recently started saying two-word sentences. Mostly these are about bye-bye or night-night. I say "bye-bye Daddy" and "bye-bye Abby" when they go outside. I also like to put blankets on top of my toys when they are sleepy. So I say "night-night bunny", "night-night bear" (or car, ball, buckeye, daddy, mommy, abby, etc.). I also like to bring mommy and daddy their clothes, so I say "mommy shoes", "daddy hat", "daddy socks". Also when I am cranky or sleepy I say "mommy hair" and she lets me rub her hair so I feel better.
I also have learned to be more picky about what I eat. Supposedly when I was younger I would eat anything. Not so anymore! I tell mommy every day that I only want to eat bananas, apples, fishies (goldfish), and bears (teddy grahams), but she insists on trying to give me lots of other yucky things. Silly mommy. I also love coke and Doritos, but I have to ask daddy for that.
Finally, I am sad to say that my teachers at school have banned me from bubbles. Every day I ask them for bubbles. I will try to blow bubbles for hours. I need the bubbles, they make me happy. I know my chin was getting all red from all the bubbles and I had major tantrums when they tried to take them away, but still they just don't understand how much I like them. So I guess my bubble fun is over for now. Maybe they will forget in a few months and let me try again.


Anonymous said...

Happy Half birthday!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear of your bubble addiction, but perhaps your right and they will give them back to you in a couple of've certainly have had an exciting 18 months.

Sharon or Allan said...

I am forever blowing bubbles!
They are fun. It is great to have friends. Grandfather