Tuesday, January 20, 2009

words, words, words

I love to talk. I especially like to point out and name all the things I see around me. I'm not always sure what mommy and daddy talk about but they sure seem interested in what I have to say. My contribution to the conversation goes something like this, "mommy, daddy, Abby, Cole, car, apple, football, light, fan, shoe." Sometimes, however, I get really excited and I end up saying, "Baba gah daddy, up aaahhh, buh-buh bye, abby-abby-abby-abby, eeeeeee!" Maybe I'll grow up to be a teacher like mommy and daddy. I am very good at public speaking.


Anonymous said...

I think we'll call you "motor mouth" or maybe "chatter box"...keep up the good work.
Love you,

Anonymous said...

Cant wait to see you next week so you can point out everything and everyone to me!