Saturday, December 20, 2008

Bring me my pail

Last night mommy and daddy took me to the Children's Clinic. I think they were particularly bothered by my exploding diaper that got all over me and my crib. So, I got weighed (-2 pounds), and they took my blood pressure and temperature (100.7). The doctor did not seem too worried about me. She gave me medicine to help me eat and a yummy blue popsicle. Mommy is very sad that I have lost my pot belly. Now I won't be able to dress up as a baby Santa.
Today I have been feeling much better. I ate some toast, part of a banana, and drank daddy's Powerade. It is the first food I've eaten since Wednesday! I also practiced using my new puke bucket the doctors gave me. I haven't had to use it yet, but I'm ready.


Sharon or Allan said...

I glad your feeling better.

Unknown said...

Pedialyte Popicles for the win!

Buffy said...

Poor Cole, and poor Cole's mommy and daddy. . .Sounds like it's been heckuva week. . .hope you feel better soon - new teeth and all!