Thursday, December 18, 2008

Hello, Doctor?

Can you please explain to me how I can have a fever for 6 days, have swollen and bleeding gums where my molars are coming in, hit my forehead and front teeth on a table (2 separate incidents), and now come down with a stomach virus complete with projectile vomiting? Its been a rough week. I couldn't enjoy eating any of my favorite foods and now I can't even keep water down. I thought people were supposed to gain 5 pounds during the holidays. I've already lost 1!


MacBensen said...

6 days! I thought Nina's 4 day fever was plenty to deal with - poor little boy. Hope he gets better soon!

Anonymous said...

My goodness enough of the nasty virus and accidents...we have to get you all better for Christmas.
Love you,

Sharon or Allan said...

Sorry to hear your having a tough time. But Good News ahead for you. I checked with a good friend who says you will grow up big and strong and eat your mom's food budget every week and then some.
Only a few more days to Christmas and that will be fun. Take plenty of pictures.
Love you, Grandfather

Unknown said...

i\I hope Cole feels better...that does not sound fun, for you or him!

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for you Cole. I bet you are getting a lot of snuggle time with mommy--hope it helps! Get better NOW!!! xoxonanaxoxo