Sunday, December 20, 2009

Saint Luke

Today mommy and daddy threw a party in my honor. First I got dressed up and went to church. This time our priest rubbed lots of good smelling oils on my head and he washed my hair (not nearly as well as mommy does). He also gave me a candle, a card, and a rose. Then we went home and had a party with Mommy, Daddy, Cole, Grandma, Grandpa, Beth, Mark, Lauren, Mike, Joe and Emma.

Check out my cool outfit. Cole wore it two years ago, but it still looks brand new on me. Here's me and Grandma at church. Cole let me play with his snack cup.

Here is me and my Godmother Beth. She is sooo comfy. So are Lauren and Emma. Women love me.
This was the 3 layer carrot cake that mommy made me from scratch. Everyone said it was really yummy. Hmmmm... how come I only got bananas and oatmeal?

1 comment:

Dexter said...

What a fun day you must have had. I like how your pacifier is white so it matches your outfit.