Thursday, December 29, 2011


Do you know who my most best friend is in the world? .... JACK! Jack from my old school. We were best friends for over a year before our parents pulled us out of preschool to go to different schools with Pre-K classrooms. I have missed him so much. I nagged mommy every couple weeks to call him and finally she did it. Today Jack came over to my house and played with me for seven hours! We played superheroes, fought light saber battles, played Lego Batman on the Xbox, and acted silly and wild the entire time. It was like Christmas day all over again. Finally we had to take him home and it made me so sad having to say goodbye and thinking about how I never get to see him. His mom and dad said I could come over to his house next time. Hopefully that will be sometime soon, like maybe tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Wow!!! What great fun. So glad you were able to get together with Jack again.
Love you,

Unknown said...

Very cool to have such a great friend