Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Merry Christmas!!

Christmas was a few days ago.  We spent Christmas eve driving around the neighborhood looking at lights and checking the Norad Santa tracker. Christmas morning I woke up at 7 and mom and dad came downstairs with me to see what Santa brought. We spent hours eating breakfast and opening presents. Daddy cooked a huge yummy dinner and we all ate it with Uncle Bob. I've spent every minute since Christmas morning playing with my family and my new toys. I wish it was always Christmas time. Spending day after day goofing off at home with mommy, daddy, Luke, and Abby is definitely my favorite. 

My other favorite of course is all my new toys! I must have been a good boy this year because Santa and all my family got me everything I ever wanted for Christmas. Some of my favorites off the top of my head are...Santa got me the marshmallow shooting bow and arrow and a Green Lantern Costume. Mom and Dad got me Lego Batman for our Xbox. Ali got me a Flash costume, Batman underwear, and a mini trampoline. Grandma and Grandpa got me a Hot Wheels Wall Track. Nana and Grandfather got me a Toy Story Xbox game. I know there were tons more presents but those are the ones I've been using the most so far.

Thanks Ali! Now I can make Luke my official side kick.

Luke likes all of my toys too and I'm doing a pretty good job sharing.

I think I will be doing this as much as possible for the next few years. Good thing mom likes to play too!


Unknown said...

Boy that does seem like a perfect day! I am glad you are happy! Love, Grandfather

Anonymous said...

That certainly sounds like you all had a super, super Christmas.
Love you,