Thursday, November 15, 2012


Bullies are bad. I've always known about bullies, like Joker and Lex Luthor. I'm only in Kindergarten, but I've already run into some real bullies. The big boys I share a seat with on the bus are mean to me. I finally remembered to tell mom and dad. Mom helped me write a note to Mr. Vladimir, the bus driver. Mom and dad pretended to be the bullies so I could practice yelling "Don't hit me!" really loud. I'm totally ready to take them on now.


nana said...

It is such a shame those boys won't get toknow you Cole. If they did they would stop being mean. We who know you love you somuch, Cole! xoxonanaxoxo

Anonymous said...

Not a good experience for you,Cole. Looks like you have it under control though.
Love you,

Unknown said...

your writing has come a long way. Glad you can tell your bus driver to keep an eye out for you.